THE LEGENDARY RAW DEAL release "The Wolftone Sessions"

Finally a new release from THE LEGENDARY RAW DEAL, P. Paul Fenech's rockin' side project. This is savage Rockabilly with a western twang and lots of great guitar-work. THE LEGENDARY RAW DEAL are a wild mix of all things Rock'n'Roll with a hint of Surf, Country and even Folk. "The Wolftone Sessions", recorded in Fenechs very own "Wolftone Rock'n'Roll Studios", once again finds the all-round psychobilly legend, METEORS founder and Fendermaster returning to his roots. The record contains 8 brand new songs and is out now via Mutant Rock Records (Edel / Kontor New Media):


"Crazy Alice" – new P.PAUL FENECH single

The Fendermaster, psychobilly inventor and head of THE METEORS is back: P. Paul Fenech releases “Crazy Alice”, a brand new song from his solo project:…


We want to take a minute to wish y’all a happy new year and to thank you for your ongoing support! Thank you for supporting our label, our bands and…

THE METEORS entering the german album charts!

THE METEORS entered the official german album charts on #46 with their new studio album "40 Days A Rotting" today – listen and order now: https://ffm.…